Writer: Adam Ransley

Producer: Rogan Brown

Director: Daniel James

Executive Producer: Abi Binning

Mentor Producer: Di Drew

Script Editor: Tristram Baumber

Cinematography: Sam King

Editor/Animations: Benjamin Nelan

Production Design: Jane Howard

Music Composition: Lance Trevino

Stars: Matt Burton, Lisa Gormley, Nathan Spencer, Matthew Stolp

Genre(s): Comedy, Thriller

Release Date: June 2016

Duration: 13 minutes 30 seconds

Sponsored by

Writer/Director: Jane Howard

Producer/Editor: Rogan Brown

Cinematographer: Mark Kuilenburg

Composer/Sound Recordist: Scott Weston

Art Director: Pamela Tonelli

Hair/Make-up: Madi Gadd

Gaffer: Jack Weltman-Jansen

Cast: Joan Murray, Alan Andrews, Ivano Del Pio

Genre: Drama

Release Date: February 2016

Running time: 6 minutes 45 seconds


When an older couple disagree on a serious family issue, the wife takes matters into her own hands.

But is this betrayal or ultimately an act of love?

Photos by Madi Gadd

This project was funded and developed through the Step Up initiative, organised by Wide Angle Tasmania. We are most grateful to them and to the sponsors and donors of the Step-Up initiative.


Bloodgurgler is a dark comedy/thriller which highlights the potential dangers of a life online, particularly when playing games with people whose real-life identities we don’t know.

Computer-based role play games have become a significant part of the lives of many adolescents and young adults, and Bloodgurgler taps in to the excitement, the thrill, the terror experienced in the game world by our potential audience.

The film explores this “world” through the eyes of Brian, a young office worker. He sneaks time at work to play his favourite game, unaware that his victories and some of his other behaviours have offended his opponents who are out for revenge, and not just in the “game world”.

In the virtual world, you can run, but you can’t hide!

Writer/Director: Jane Howard

Producer: Rogan Brown

Executive Producer: Abi Binning

Mentor Producer: Shaun Wilson

Script Consultant: Karel Segers

Cinematography: Konrad McCarthy, Samuel Bell

Slow Motion Cinematography: Tom Waugh

First AD: Aaron D Burgess

Script Supervisor: April Lampre

Gaffer: Jack Weltman-Jansen

Sound Recording: Fraser Deeth, Scott Weston, David Deeth

Production Design/Art Direction: Pamela Tonelli

Costume Design: Jane Howard, Paul Rubie

Editor/Visual Effects: Daryl Davies

Music Composition: Caleb Miller

Sound Mix/Colour Grade: Michael Gissing

Still Photography: Richard Marks, Pamela Tonelli

Cast: Tilla Haddow, Gillian Hunt, Jane Longhurst, Holly Ward, Harriet Malloy, Carla Di Domenico, Liz Darvell

Genre(s): Drama, mystery

Format: Short film

Running Time: 8 minutes

Release Date: June 2016

Director’s Note:

When I was a child, my grandmother would regale me with stories of her youth. She was a knockabout kid who lost her mother at the age of nine. Raised by her policeman father, her three older sisters and the nuns at the convent school, her misdemeanours would get her into a lot of strife. She was loads of fun. I have often wondered what it would have been like to be one of her playmates, but sadly, time is linear and we were not born in the same era.

The idea for The Good Room originated from the whimsical notion of meeting her in one of her escapades, but has evolved into a tale about time and magic and mystery. I am inspired to tell this story as it represents the collision of these nostalgic musings with the creative and disciplined processes of RED Flag. It also signifies a new creative journey which I am keen to explore.

— Jane Howard

A RED Flag Production  

 produced with the assistance of




When Teagan, an inquisitive and resourceful 11-year-old, is unexpectedly left alone one night, she embarks on a secret exploration of her family’s newly rented home. Driven by curiosity and a love of adventure she gains access to a room that has been kept locked for decades by the cold and aloof landlady, Mrs Nolan.

What she discovers that night triggers a chain of mysterious and magical events that has the power to change the past and free the emotionally damaged Mrs Nolan from the misery of her bitter existence.

 Films 2016


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